Online Resources

Edinburgh University Students' Association is the students' union at the University of Edinburgh. As a students' union EUSA is an autonomous, student-led, campaigning organisation, which provides services, representation and welfare support on behalf of its members – the University's students. EUSA and Edinburgh University Sports Union (EUSU) work closely together to provide workshops and events for students in sports clubs and societies, such as the Leading to Prevent training. EUSA also provide many events training which might prove useful to any of our CVA volunteers; for their personal or professional development.
MyDevelopmentHub is a portal to help you find activities, events and resources to unleash your potential and stand out from the crowd. is an online skills development service offering an extensive library of over 250,000 high quality video tutorials in digital, technology, creative and business skills. Students and staff (non-visiting) benefit from free access to this resource whilst studying or working at the University of Edinburgh.
Once you have logged onto via the university's channel, you can access these playlists/links below:

The Reflection Toolkit is a place where you can find information and support whether you are looking to reflect yourself or facilitate reflection in others.

The Charlie Walker Memorial Trust Learning Portal is a new e-learning package is designed to give non-specialist staff the skills, knowledge and confidence to offer a first line of support to students who may have mental health issues.