Nicholas Allen

Triathlon/Cycling/Hares & Hounds

Through being President of the Triathlon club in 2nd year then Treasurer in 3rd year, I am familiar with the SU and its indispensable team.

I have helped organise big events such as our annual Tranent Triathlon, shaping sponsors role at these events.

I have experience in branding and know what values companies want to be associated with; many of which Edinburgh exhibits. I enjoy teamwork and helping others; by doing so in Triathlon we have improved our relations to sponsors, gaining more discounts and freebies.

I have participated in many sports: Rugby, Football, Gymnastics, Triathlon, Tennis, Water sports, Skiing, Touch rugby, and others which allows me to appreciate the different angles to approach sponsorship. I have also been involved in sport at a performance level but also getting people to start a sport which I feel puts me in an ideal place to get attention and sponsors on board.  


Jane Marshall

Women's Football

I have sat on the Women’s Football committee for two years, as Secretary and currently as Vice President. Within these roles I have collaborated with our 4 different sponsors to ensure smooth running’s of all operations. This included being first point of contact, communicating information and updates from the club and vice versa; ensuring transparency between both parties and making sure payments were met. This year the club has secured our largest sponsor to date, giving me knowledge and confidence in creating contracts and agreements.

Through my committee roles, I have learned the basic running’s of the SU and appreciate the time and effort it takes to run a successful sports union. I believe I am a committed individual who above all can work well with others. I would aim to build solid relationships between sponsors and the SU; between other committee members and every club at the University.