Intermediate Lesson

Wed 16 October 2024 14:00-15:00
Tower Farm Riding Stables

Once you’ve mastered your independent steering, walking, trotting, cantering and practised your jumping position, it’s time to consider if you may be suited to our Intermediate lessons. In intermediate we work on improving skills at all three paces and start jumping single fences as well as small courses.

An Intermediate rider would be comfortable in walk, trot and canter on a well-schooled horse and be learning to ride a small course of jumps. Intermediate lessons will focus on gaining confidence at the canter, and learning some basic dressage movements, such as 20m circles, figures of eight and serpentines, at walk, trot and canter. These lessons are at Tower Farm at 2pm on Wednesday. The lessons will alternate between jumping and flatwork each week. 18/09 = Jumping, and so on.