This week marks time to say thank you and goodbye to our 2022/23 Sports Union President, Heather Gault.
This week brings Heather's time as Sports Union President to a close. It has been a busy year of activity for Heather, leading a strong Sports Union Executive team and representing Sport at Edinburgh across the University and beyond.
Heather reflected on her year as Sports Union President:
Heather’s Highlights:
“It’s got to be the Sports Union ball, seeing so many people passionate about sport in one place was fantastic - the energy was electric.”
“I have really enjoyed learning about all 67 different sports we have and how they operate in their own unique way. The variety we have here is incredible and is one of the best things about the Sports Union.”
Heather’s Impact:
“For me, I think it will be the small improvements made in systems and processes behind the scenes that will have the biggest impact - most people won’t notice them but hopefully everyone will benefit going forwards.”
“As well as being SU President, I was a BUCS Student Officer and sat on SSS Exec, both of which were great opportunities to get involved with the wider student sport network.”
Heather’s Words of Wisdom:
"Put your hand up and get involved, whether that is being on a committee, coaching, officiating, or helping out your club in some other way. Volunteering on the Gymnastics committee and with the Sports Union whilst at University gave me so many transferable skills, and ultimately led to a year in the best job in sport (I might be a bit biased…)"

Heather will be succeeded by Peter Sawkins, Accounting and Finance graduate, badminton 1st team captain, and outgoing Honorary Treasurer. Peter is currently completing the 2 week handover period ready to take over on Monday 3rd July.

Peter Sawkins, incoming Sports Union President 2023-24:
What encouraged you to put yourself forward for Sports Union President?
“Edinburgh Sport was the highlight of my university experience over five years of studying here. It formed my central community and sense of connection to the institution through the amazing friends I made from the start of my first year in the Badminton Club. I decided to get more involved in sport by volunteering in badminton and the Sports Union from my second year onwards and found huge value through the skills and qualities I gained and through supporting other new students experience the amazing opportunities university sport afforded me. I ran for Sports Union President so I could continue and develop my engagement in this side of my life which has given me so much.”
What are you looking forward to/ excited about in the year ahead as Sports Union President?
“The role is so varied, which makes the year ahead enormously exciting. Working with and meeting people who are passionate about sports and activity is the thing I'm most looking forward to. I'll learn about so many different sports and pick up energy and ideas from people who are exceedingly passionate about their own sporting communities.”