Gaelic Football Club

Gaelic Football is one of Ireland’s most popular sports, combining skills from basketball, soccer and rugby. We play in the Scottish league and championship as well as the British championships

As well as keeping fit and having great craic, the EUGFC love to have a night out at our sponsor Biddy Mulligans.

Training is at the Peffermill playing fields 3G1 on Wednesdays at 7pm and all standards are welcome.


CONTACT: If you have any questions with regards to getting involved with the club then e-mail us on


Please be aware, to join this club you must have purchased a Sport & Exercise Gym Membership, which is available HERE


Our Club Values:

There are no upcoming events

Should an individual require a refund – this can only be done by the club you have joined in cash or cheque (at their own discretion). The Sports Union Membership cannot be refunded, and neither can the transaction fee.

You may be eligible for financial assistance to help you take part in sport. You can find more information about the University's Participation Grant and other hardship funds here.


  • Gaelic Football Club Full Year Non Student Membership£45.00
  • Gaelic Football Club Semester 2 Student Membership£20.00
  • Gaelic Football Club Semester 2 Non-Student Membership£30.00
  • Gaelic Football Club Full Year Student Membership£35.00