Imagine a sport that took Basketball and Netball, mixed them together, and created a game that was twice as good. Students of Edinburgh, we give you Korfball. Easy to learn, but tough to master, korfball is a fast-paced game in which guys and girls compete together on the same team.
Performance Squad Training:
Club training:
CONTACT: If you have any questions about getting involved with Korfball shoot us an email or a message on one of our social media channels!
Please be aware, to join this club you must have purchased a Sport & Exercise Gym Membership, which is available HERE.
There are no upcoming events
Should an individual require a refund – this can only be done by the club you have joined in cash or cheque (at their own discretion). The Sports Union Membership cannot be refunded, and neither can the transaction fee.
You may be eligible for financial assistance to help you take part in sport. You can find more information about the University's Participation Grant and other hardship funds here.