Snowsports Club

EUSSC cater for all your snowsports needs here at Edinburgh. Whether a seasoned pro or a beginner we’re guaranteed to have something for you.

Welcome to Edinburgh University Snowsports Club!  EUSSC is the largest sports club in the university and undoubtedly one of the most fun.  We are one of the most successful University Snowsports clubs of recent years with Team EUSSC riders smashing it in all things racing and freestyle.  We organise regular training sessions on snow and dry-slope to improve the game of our top athletes and coach those wanting to get involved in the sport.  We run lessons for everyone from complete beginners to those wanting to simply brush up on their skills.  While we love to compete we also want to get as many people involved in snowsports as possible!  Our socials have also gained pretty legendary status around town.  Becoming a member of EUSSC also gives you access to our famous ski trip to the Alps.  It promises to be even bigger and better than ever!

We have 3 membership options available: 

CLUB: Fancy coming to our socials and our ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SKI TRIP, but don’t fancy skiing at Hillend (our local dry slope) or training? This is the option for you! 

TEAM:  Come and join Team EUSSC this year to train and compete in Race or Freestyle! Everybody’s welcome, whether you’re a seasoned professional or a competition newbie, if your keen come along and join the fun. We offer weekly training in Slalom and Freestyle and entries into competitions throughout the year! 

REC: BRAND NEW THIS YEAR! Keen to get on the slopes but don’t fancy training or competing with us? The new rec membership will give you the ability to come and join us up at our local dry slope: Hillend to free ski! This membership gives you free ski tickets, rentals and transport to the slope with the freedom to do what you like when you’re there! 

Click the link to our website to find out more about each one and the perks you’ll receive – you’ll make your money back in no time!

If there is one club you should join this year make it EUSSC.  You won't fail to have an unbelievable time and meet loads of like-minded people!

To find out more go to our website

CONTACT: If you have any questions with regards to getting involved with the club then e-mail us on  

***Please note that we do not offer refunds for Club Membership, and refunds for Team and Rec Memberships are only granted in exceptional circumstances***

There are no upcoming events

  • Team Full Year Membership (Non-Student)£110.00
  • Team Full Year Membership (Student)£100.00
  • Team Membership Semester 2£60.00

Should an individual require a refund – this can only be done by the club you have joined in cash or cheque (at their own discretion). The Sports Union Membership cannot be refunded, and neither can the transaction fee.

You may be eligible for financial assistance to help you take part in sport. You can find more information about the University's Participation Grant and other hardship funds here.


  • Snowsports Club Recreational Membership (Student)£60.00
  • Snowsports Club Standard Full Year Membership (Non-Student)£30.00
  • Snowsports Club Recreational Membership (Non-Student)£65.00
  • Snowsports Club Standard Full Year Membership (Student)£25.00