In the event of a motor accident or damage to a hire vehicle, no matter the size or scale, it must be reported as soon as is possible to the Sports Union. Please follow the below steps. At the foot of this page you will then find links to the Motor Accident Form, the Sports Union Incident Form, as well as some kety contacts for clubs / drivers to refer to.
Step 1 – Motor Incident and Insurance Claim Form
The driver must complete the University’s Motor Incident and Insurance Claim Form with as many details as possible. The information should be taken at the scene of the incident so third-party details can be gathered (if a third party is involved), and the details of the incident are fresh in the driver’s mind.
If a 3rd party is involved, ensure to get the following from the 3rd party:
- Name
- Registration number
- Contact number
- Insurance details
- Always take pictures of the damage, however small
Photos of all damage must be captured.
Once the Motor Incident and Insurance Claim Form has been completed, it should be emailed as an attachment along with images of damage to the Sports Union bookings account.
Step 2 – Contacting the Sports Union & Arnold Clark to Inform of the Damage
Call Arnold Clark and the Sports Union office (if open) as soon as possible to inform them that damage has occurred to the vehicle.
The Arnold Clark branch should be contacted on 0131 561 7779. If the vehicle is no longer in a driveable condition, or the Arnold Clark branch and/or Sports Union Office is closed, the Arnold Clark breakdown team should be contacted on 0141 332 2622 / 0800 074 5411. Alternatively, there is a number of the inside of the vehicle windscreen.
Under no circumstances should the driver attempt to drive the vehicle if it is not in a roadworthy condition after the incident.
Step 3 – Further Considerations
The driver and fellow passengers from the club should use sensible judgement on whether the incident is severe enough to require the attention of the emergency services.
Step 4 – Injury to the Driver or Passengers
If an injury has occurred to the driver or a passenger as a result of a vehicle incident, a club accident form should be also submitted (in addition to the motor accident form) as soon as possible after the incident.
Step 5- Outcomes of an Incident & Reported Insurance Claim
Once the accident has been reported and insurance claim submitted to the Sports Union, the insurance claim process has started. The club will ultimately be liable for the insurance excess of £500 or any repair costs that falls below this threshold.
The outcome of insurance claims can take a great deal of time, so to check the status of your club’s claim, you should contact the bookings account.

The trip form is a vital pre-journey task that must be completed by any club journeying on transport booked via the Sports Union. This includes any Arnold Clark hire vehicles, Ratho Coaches bookings or any train or air travel booked for the club by the Sports Union. It is essential that the form is completed before every trip for insurance, safety and emission monitoring purposes. Failure to complete the trip form may result in a club being banned from booking transport with the Sports Union.